Melting Pots!!...or is it??

Peppa lives in a community filled with love from his family. With much love coming from everywhere and almost everyone is the same, he never really got to experience much around the world.

Image result for peppa and his family"

Living in Troy, we have a such a big pot of mixing races, we live in a different scenario, we basically find it the hardest of all things to think of a race that purely dominates our community. Although we live in the stereotype that America is a country filled with Americans, and we always associate Americans with whites, never do we think its a country full of people from different races and countries. It is a land full of immigrants, but the fact that white is all that is ingrained within the residents of the country, we are helpless but to assimilate ourselves with it. Troy is one of the very few communities in which is very well mixed within the pot of many races and cultures. People all around the world with many nice jobs and well off households. But if we were to travel someplace else, such as a rural area, if would be quite hard to find a different race since many immigrants come to America with a job in the main city area for automotive, business, or medicine.

Along with white being linked to American culture, we sometimes forget that many blacks also reside in America. In class, we have been studying a book called the Song of Solomon. Within this book, the author, Toni Morrison, plays out the role of black lives and their story from different perspectives with many hidden signs and symbols. She subtly gives away ideas of how blacks are treated different from the rest and what they went through in their time period and era. It is quite important for us to understand this feeling till this date as although discrimination took on a big toll and decreased quite a lot after many rights were put into place, a minor part of the discrimination still exists to this day in Americans roots.  As expressed in the story by Milkman "wondered what they would do if they didn’t have the black and white problems to talk about. Who would they be if they couldn’t describe the insults, violence, and oppression that their lives (and the television news) were made up of?". This quote tells us how much was bottled inside them and must have questioned whether it made whites happy to view blacks as such. The differences between was major. It helps us understand what they went through since we are not all living in the same scenario. We are lucky to be living in a city like Troy where we are all respected for who we are and given equal importance whether class or not, but it is not the same everywhere.

Image result for melting pot"


  1. I agree in that we do take our community of Troy for granted, as most places in America are almost universally white, to the point in which it is the dominant force in such communities. The Song of Solomon shows the effects of such a system, as despite the fact that the characters live in their own ethnic pocket of the town, they are mentally and economically controlled by reality of living in a white society.


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