Blog #5 (Extra Credit)

This week I read an article about gender inequality which made me think about the about the real world a lot. I started to think a lot more in depth about how this affect the way I am going to live my future life as soon I am as well going to start a new chapter in my life by attending college. The real world is a harsh place where stereotypes is something that can't be helped, we can change it slowly from our homes and teach the one's around us, but essentially it still exists to this day. I thought of one such example where gender inequality possibly occurs, when we get a job.

The question always rises, whether it is equal for guys and girls when they apply for jobs. Even thought it is always said that if you put your mind to something or work hard for it, you can always achieve what you want, it can be true to an extent. People will skills and hard-work are valued. Unfortunately, sometimes if the job is not fitting or preferred  toward a specific gender, it is hard. Many employers believe that women, being the ones who take care of the household, families (in many instances), and at times when they have to give pregnancy, will not be as efficient in their work and will not being any success to the company. Leaving the company for longed periods of time may come to employers as not giving the equal amount of work a man may give without having to take any leave for personal reasons.

According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, women earn 49 cents compared to every $1 men earn despite statistics also showing that women on average are more educated with more degrees in the workforce. More research shows that despite being more educated than men populating nearly half of the workforce, women are promoted at work far less often than men. The inequality is something that is a reality that I may hit soon and this topic occupied my mind a lot this week. 


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