
Humor is a category in which is considered to be something you can portray through your words, a sense of being able to make other people laugh. Humor is almost one of the most appreciated things as well, in terms of personality, and medicine, making people laugh is something that is acknowledges as a good personality. Laughter is know to be one of the healthiest medicines there are, keeping you light hearted and happy from troubles.

Botton's claim is something I agree with, humor is not something just limited to entertainment, in fact that entertainment is most commonly found through a subtly way of reference to an insult or different message intended. Even though we have been brought up knowing telling the truth is only right, sometimes the truth is too harsh and there are other ways people say it, whether it be a lie or slightly changing the sentence. If we think about it, people mostly usually laugh the most when we are insulting something or making fun of it, if we said it in a serious tone, it would seem like a serious topic of issue, but if you convert it into humor, people laugh at it and don't take it as serious. For example, instead of telling someone "you look bad" someone could say "you look like a clown" and it would be funnier, but still giving the same message. If you compare someone to a comical character as a clown, its more light and not taken that bad to hurt. Of course, an essential part of joking is the person you are joking with, you cannot joke with the wrong person or else, they take it personally and hurtful. Now, talking about a larger scale when you present a comical scenario in front of a larger audience, especially if you don't know them, finding a common interest is hard but often making fun of something widely accepted is better. For example, if it were a realty show and the host were to call up a contestant that has been participating for a while and the audience and the host are aware of something, they can make fun of it for fun, even though it may be a little defaming, but people find it as humor because they know "you are joking". Another example could be this following video, where you can see the comedian faintly taunt his personal experience and or taunt the person responding to the joke, but the audience all thinks of it as humor. If told from a different perspective, it could be seen as a sad moment where the proposal went wrong.

Basically, when presenting humor, one must alwasy be aware of how it is being presented, and that it is not too deep so that it doesn't offend anyone, it has to be worded correctly so that it makes people laugh without hurting anyone.


  1. I totally agree that humor need not be offensive and have to be careful on how it was presented. Being funny does not have to be at the expense of others and being tactful is important. After all the reason for tuning in for something funny is to have a laugh or two and feel good about it. I don't see how can anyone can feel good by deriding others.


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