
Well over a week ago, I read the story, Our Barbies, Ourselves. I always played with Barbie dolls when I was little, just thought they were the pretty girls I always wanted to be. Even while watching Barbie life in the Dream house, I thought her and her sisters were absolutely perfect. They had everything in life they could ask for. But this story, it took me more depth, never had I thought maybe the creation that made Barbie, or the meaning that could be behind it. Barbie is a worldwide known figure, the perfect English girl, we've accepted her but there is also a story behind it. At some point, all girls had wished they were blonde with blue eyes, but as we grew up, we adapted to our own ways and loved ourselves to be who we are. Of course not to the fullest but somewhat accepting enough to live orderly in society. This made me think of plastic surgery, how we try to perfect ourselves. I know multiple celebrities here and even normal people try to get plastic surgery to look more "beautiful" but is it truly your real beauty? I thought about Korea, Korea is the world's leading country in amount of plastic surgery done. While reading an article about it as well, apparently getting plastic surgery is nothing to them and it is absolutely normal to have it done. Where do they get this idea of being pretty? Looking at the singers and idols of their country and wanting to look as beautiful and perfect as them. This obsession has changed the perception of plastic surgery to be normal which shocked me since its not that common in America. Being pretty to woo boys, its just not it. Although many people have multiple definitions of beauty, I know mine is your personality. In India, to look pretty, or lighter since that it what most families prefer, people bleach their face. To me, whether you look as appealing as Priyanka Chopra or look unappealing, true beauty lies within your heart. Your beauty is shown when you are kind, helping, and treat others well. Your personality is a gold factor in everything. I know I personally was not blessed with the most beautiful face, for years I would cry thinking what I did to deserve such, but my grandma once told me, God made our faces different and unique for a reason and that everything I have a god given gift. So till this day, I live by the fact that maybe I shouldn't be so ashamed of myself because its a special gift god gave to me so people would know me. Obviously I had to develop a personality with it to make up for it, but my personality soon became my identity. A loud, obnoxious girl who doesn't have a shut off mode. Such a personality has allowed me to have multiple good friends by my side which I am forever grateful for.


  1. It's sad to think that people have to change their appearance to attract others or so, but that's only because of the judgmental world they live in. Looks are the first things we see after all. I really liked that you developed a self-love for yourself, and I think your grandma's God-given gift mindset is something everyone should follow.


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