Home Sweet Home...or it is??

Home sweet home. We hear this all the time. But is a home really a home? By this I mean, what is the definition of a home? Google defines a home by the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. Contrary to this, I feel that the definition of home varies vastly. 

When we first visit someone's home we automatically seem to associate it with the wealth the person has. We think - Wow! What a big house! You must be rich! But when the house is small, one thinks hmm...they are not as rich. But does your house define how rich you are? Your house could be small because your parents prefer to live in small places or the community around the house is their type, maybe they have a lot more money but want to save and use for other purposes. Some people like to show off their houses as well and make themselves feel ensured that the other person knows they are living life comfortably, this is just some people. This is just one type of home.

The other type of home is the type where it isn't based on value or the area, it's based on the love. A home to others is a place where your family lives with a roof on their head and a place they feel welcome to be and loved. No matter what your family are the people that stay forever and support you till the end. You have many memories and and love one another, have family bonding and laughs. 

Whether value or love, a home is a home, a shelter for humans. But it's also a place to value your family and love them.


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