DIscrimination Talk

A raisin in the sun was quite a book that taught much about family, love, home, and discrimination, it brings us to a reality check, does racism still exist today? Listening to a podcast about how just recently there was discrimination in school itself brings us to think how aware are we really of our surroundings? Racism is like an endless path-- there no way out of it nor is there a way to get rid of it. Its like this cloud in the sky that everyone sees in the world, but it keeps coming back and doesn't go away.

If little kids are being forced to go to schools for the color of their skin that they didn't choose to be born with, what are these opinions to hinder children from their right to learn and be educated? They learn from their elders and whatever they are taught is what they use to keep living in this reality of a world. If we tell them repeatedly and make them believe that once upon a time pink elephants used to exist, then they will learn that. No information that is given to anyone is ever gone to waste, people learn it or they use it some way or the other. We use our brain from things people have told us before, such as if you don't wear a helmet and fall while riding your bike, you will get hurt. These are things that are said by word but we use our own common knowledge from previous common sense to figure ourselves that we should wear a helmet before riding a bike. As kids many are taught about a big figure in Christianity: Jesus. Little do we know if he is real or not, we just follow our elders belief and become accustomed to the culture. Rhetoric language was used heavily to make the whites more superior to the blacks, but in the end we are all human and all are people living to be the best of ourselves.


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