Strums Heard Afar...or are they??

Guitar and Milkman, we were the best of friends. We grew up together did everything together, played together. We were the same person, but slowly, things just, slowly, started falling apart. Our friendship seemed strong but our fate and family said otherwise. I lost my father, Milkman had his whole family. I was poor, Milkman was rich. Soon whenever we were together, it just started becoming a one side man show. Milkman would talk and talk, I sit there and listen. I listened to him, I listened to all his thoughts but, when I talked, it felt like I was alone. There really was no one for me, I was in a dark quiet room all by myself with all my words just echoing back at me. I got so sick of hearing the tunes of my own words coming back right at me, when it hit me, Milkman really does live a different world. His world is filled with people, there for him, understand him, give him advice.  He got life the easy way while I here? I sit alone trying to find my own unique path. Milkman just couldn't understand a word I was saying. My explanations for justice went on and on and what did he do? He just kept trying to prove me wrong repeatedly. Why couldn't he just stand up for the justice of his own race? Just hear me out and tell me I'm wrong. Why is he always just siding with white people? Is it because he is so rich that hes been accustomed to the white culture? If whites can do so brutal to blacks for no reason at all but the color of skin which we couldn't even choose, why cannot we do the same to them? We are not going out of our way to create our own crimes but bringing justice and only redoing the crimes they have committed. It's equal. It's an eye for an eye.


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