Racism doesn't exist!!...or does it??

Why does racism exist? Why? We always say racism isn't good, we shouldn't take part of anything racist or that could be to an offense of another race, in fact, in school itself, we are taught from when we are little, to treat everyone no matter their color equally. Despite having been taught all this, why does racism still exist? Why is racism still such a big part of the world we live in and how view others?

Whether it be within your own race or just color, racism seems to be inevitable. In India, there are different castes. After being so much into the culture and being able to differentiate, most cultures or people can easily be identified to different parts of India or their origins. It seems weird to most people, but to Indians, simply by their state, living class, language, or even last name, we are able to trace back to what caste they belong in or where in India they come from. Even though we are from the same place, and we are Indian, We have many different languages we speak and raise our families, and since there are so many different gods, we also worship different gods specifically more than other according to caste.

Indians discriminate according to caste. There are 4 main castes, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Brahmin is considered to be the most elite class, and more respected. Based on last name, or where the person geographically lives, we are able to determine what caste they belong to. There is a sense within us itself, that even today in 2019 we still treat them with more respect and look up to them, and we treat the lower castes as untouchables unless they have earned themselves a high rightful position in society. For example, many of my family friends are Brahmins, and so my mother told me that before they came to our house to visit us, I should dress up nicely and look presentable, don't scream or shout, talk sensibly and in a calm manner since Brahmins live like that. I didn't understand why we have to look to presentable toward them, we are we, but i thought to myself in the end, life just might be a race of proving ourselves to one another and that race, whether it be in life or color of skin, will never have an end to it.


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