I'm loved!!...or am I

Peppa is always doing things, he always has the attention of everyone, but sometimes he feel like he needs more.

Reading the Great Gatsby this week, I saw how Nick was always in somewhat of a different sense, trying to catch Gatsby's attention. As per the hints and the thoughts that occur in the readers mind while reading the story, Nick always seemed like he was boasting about being personally invited by Gatsby and whenever nick was with Gatsby, he would always says things which made it seem like he was yearning for Gatsby's attention or acknowledgement.

Similarly, I can relate this back to my own life as when my sister came into my life. When my sister came into my life, she was a new girl, a baby girl. I was so confused why all of a sudden there is a baby in my house getting all the attention. My parents were always tired caring for her taking care of her needs, she would always cry. At some point I got so tired of it, when I started realized that my new born sister was receiving all the attention instead of me. It made me so jealous. I would do everything and anything just to get my parent's attention. I would hurt myself purposefully or cry so they would pay attention to me. I started eating my sister's food just so they would scream at me. All I wanted was for her to go away and my parents would go back to loving me how they did before she entered my life. I would sit there with my stuffed animal watching TV to distract myself, just so I wouldn't feel bad that they feed her on time for everything and can do anything for her. I was jealous of my sister receiving all the attention instead of me. But luckily as she grew up, and could start doing thing on her own, they started to treat us equally, all though the pampering I once received is now all gone, I became more sensible and independent, I have the will know to keep having to show my parents, that I'm worth it and I can do anything I want, if I put my mind to it.


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