Everyone is equal!!...or are they?

Peppa too has experiences many instances of  when he felt small compared to his family, or even his friends. He just wanted everyone to be equal and have fun!! But obviously, in the reality of this brutal world, everything is different in its own way.

Image result for peppa feeling down"
When the story Song of Solomon talks about racial discrimination and tells us a story that is ongoing, do we ever stop and think to ourselves, wow, is the world really like this? But more importantly, WHY are we like this? What events and tragedies have led us to the point where we are today, to think that there is discrimination between whites and blacks. Just as a note, I respect each and every race as I am aware what it is like to be some who is not an original or somewhat of an outcast, me myself being an immigrant, I am aware of the many struggles my family and I myself have faced.

As I read Song of Solomon, it occurred to me repeatedly how Guitar was only looking for justice from whites for doing wrong to his. Milkman no matter how rich or who he was, couldn't seem to fit in the puzzles to why everything just wasn't the same and equal to everyone.

Not being my own thoughts, a general consensus provides that many people seem to associate blacks with wrong doings. If there is an accident, tragedy, shooting, bombing, the nature mind we have grown in automatically thinks who was this psycho? Who thought, it was ok to take the lives of precious humans? We think, was the man white or black? Never do we think, was the man Indian, Mexican, European. Was the American black or white? What does he not have in his life that he has to go around doing bad karma to others.

When it comes to tests and work, when we see a black man in a suit in a working office, we think, wow this man has come a long way and is worthy if respect, but why cannot we treat the same black people in the streets of Detroit the same? Why are they considered irrational for clothing style, different taste, different accent? They too are the same as us, we also have the same traits just portrayed in a different way.

Image result for work"
All these thoughts continuously popped into my head as I read the chapters this week, trying to figure, where did this idea of making a difference start, why does it still exist today when we claim America is a land of freedom. But, who is this land of so called freedom really for? It made me question whether, Guitar really is wrong and if Milkman deserves to be as lost in this topic of discrimination as much as they put themselves to be in.
Image result for discrimination


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow this is interesting. Sad but it's true that people are stereotyped based on their color and race. This is not right. This happens not only in America but in other parts of the world as well, like Asia and Australia. I saw it first hand when I went to Asia. It is understandable that Guitar have that kind of attitude, it is an accumulation of years of hurt. But then healing and forgiveness is imperative and should be inevitable. Good analysis. BTW Happy Birthday!

  3. I like how you asked the question on why we are stuck in certain mindsets about the different races. I think that the racial divide is something that has been around for so long, that it resists change. This also makes it hard for people to move away from the stereotypes they have of races. We should learn to assess the person based on their traits and characteristics rather than associating them with a race.


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