Its all good!!...or is it?

Well, unfortunately peppa can't be added to this blog because he felt too sad after hearing what I was going to write about :(

Nazi's were very overpowering and strong, they had taken over everyone and had put them in fear. In this game it, it was only about the surviving. Like for example, Charles Darwin's theory about survival of the fittest.  In this panel, as well as throughout the page, the character and their actions strongly represent the feeling and how harsh the brutality was that the Jews, in order for them to thrive and live on, they would have to live in fear for the rest of their life as well as change their morals, customs, break promises and leave their loved ones. Friends change and much more is destroyed. while Anna and Vladek tried to find a place to go into hiding, Anna had remembered that her friend would give them shelter for help when they needed it, but when time came to prove their friendship, she neglected Anna so that her family would not be prone to danger. Much like other Jew's , in order to be covered up they would go into disguise. This was portrayed through the masks in the comic. The masks were a reoccurring motif throughout the story, to put a disguise on the mouse. In this scenario though, as much as the mark covered them, their real identity of being a mouse did not help but shine through just like the Jews, they couldn't hide no matter what they attempted. The masks somewhat represented power, as each animal resembled a different race or person, and their personality and how much power they held compared to the other animals. It was chosen through the vibes you would get from the animal if we were an average person with them.


  1. NOOOOO PEPPPAAAAAA :( I agree the masks really showed the transparency of people during the war. They immediately refused to help a Jew because they were scared of the Nazis helping out, and that was a really tragic moment.

  2. I can only imagine, and I'm sure I'm not alone, what the trauma the Jews were put through by the Nazis. It's all about survival, as I have mentioned in my blog, I'm glad we both see this as a crucial part of the comic book. And yes the mask, how the victims tries to disguise themselves and only for one reason, SURVIVAL. Good point Shreya, I enjoyed reading this.


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